Catamnestic Observation of the Efficacy of Substance Dependence Treatment Program
A. Tibenská; J. Čížek; C. Martinek; J. Libiger
Authors‘ workplace:
Léčebna návykových nemocí Nechanice
detašované pracoviště Psychiatrické kliniky LF UK a FN, Hradec Králové
přednosta prof. MUDr. J. Libiger, CSc.
Published in:
Čes. a slov. Psychiat., 104, 2008, No. 5, pp. 230-235.
Original Article
This is a report on the follow-up survey of the efficacy of the hospital based program for treatment of substance dependence and gambling. at the Hospital for Substance- Related Disorders in Nechanice. We assessed the rate of abstaining patients at the intervals of 6 months, one and two years since the completion of a treatment program with the minimum duration of 60 days. The data were obtained by a questionnaire from the relatives of the patients . Additional information was received from the community therapeutic facilities that were in contact with the patients during the follow-up period.
After 6 months the rate of the complete and lasting abstention was at least 46.4% of patients (60.9% of all returned questionnaires) After one year the minimal abstention rate was 39%(57% of the returned questionnaires) and after two years it was 30.5% (53.5%).We discuss the differences in the abstention rate among various types of dependence and the relationship between the abstention and the type of program closure. We confirmed an association of the successful abstention and continuing psychotherapeutic treatment during the follow-up period.
Key words:
substance dependence on psychoactive drugs, pathological gambling, hospital-based treatment program, abstention, efficacy of substance dependence treatment program.
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Addictology Paediatric psychiatry PsychiatryArticle was published in
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