Dissociation in Childhood: Clinical Manifestation and Diagnosis Child Dissociative Checklist

Authors: J. Soukup ;  H. Papežová
Authors‘ workplace: Psychiatrická klinika 1. LF UK a VFN, Praha přednosta prof. MUDr. J. Raboch, DrSc.
Published in: Čes. a slov. Psychiat., 104, 2008, No. 5, pp. 236-240.
Category: Comprehensive Reports


Dissociative symptoms in children are often a reaction to stimuli that are beyond the child‘s coping abilities. Dissociation has a protective function, but when it persists, it negatively influences child’s quality of life, psychological development, social relationships and perspective of education. Focusing our attention to possible dissociation and making use of test results, observation, clinical interview and information from child’s parents or teachers is necessary for making the diagnosis. The differential diagnosis of dissociative disorders in children include attention deficit disorders, conduct disorders, rapid cycling bipolar disorder, psychotic disorders, epilepsy, and personality disorders. Presented version of Child dissociative scale is Czech translation of a valid and reliable screening scale for measuring dissociation in children.

Key words:
dissociation, trauma, Child Dissociative Checklist.


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Addictology Paediatric psychiatry Psychiatry
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