Clinical Effect of Low Level Laser Therapy in Treatment ofAlveolitis Sicca
Klinický efekt biostimulačního laseru přialveolitis sicca
Autor ve svojí práci srovnává výsledky léčby poextrakční bolestivé komplikace – alveolitissicca u dvou skupin pacientů. Jedna skupina (49 osob) byla léčena obvyklou konzervativníléčbou pomocí tamponády lůžka s lokálním antiseptikem a benzocainem a druhá skupinapacientů (21 osob) byla léčena pomocí biostimulačního laseru (low level laser therapy –
Klíčová slova:
alveolitis sicca – léčba biostimulačním laserem – tamponáda lůžka – dobahojení – analgetický efekt
J. Zemen
Authors‘ workplace:
Stomatologická klinika LF UK a FN v Plzni, přednosta doc. MUDr. A. Zicha, CSc.
Published in:
Česká stomatologie / Praktické zubní lékařství, ročník , 2003, 3, s. 111-115
Aim of the study:
to compare effectiveness of a standard conservative treatmentof alveolitis sicca – a painful complication of an extraction wound healing to the treatmentthereof with bio-stimulating laser.Methods: In our study, the patients with alveolitis sicca were offered to choose betweena standard conservative treatment and a bio-stimulating laser treatment.The patients in the first group (49 persons), who were diagnosed with alveolitis sicca in ourdental office, were treated by a standard conservative treatment – daily exchange of a drainwith antiseptic and benzocain. If due to pain the drain had to be exchanged more often thanevery 24 hours, this was considered as an unsatisfactory therapeutic effect.The patients in the second group (21 persons) were daily treated with bio-stimulating laserradiation of the wound with a modulated ray of the frequency of 2,28 Hz at the infra-red endof the spectrum (830 nm). During each session we applied 2 J/cm2. Thereafter we introduceda gauze drain dipped in saline into the socket. If a satisfactory relief of pain was not obtainedand a patient demanded different type of a treatment, this was considered as an unsatisfactorytherapeutic effect of Results: It has been statistically confirmed that a standard conservative treatment ofalveolitis sicca had significantly better analgesic effect in the observed groups when comparedto
Key words:
alveolitis sicca – low level laser therapy – tamponage of the socket – period ofhealing – analgesic effect
Maxillofacial surgery Orthodontics Dental medicineArticle was published in
Czech Dental Journal
2003 Issue 3
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