Strategi es to reduce risk of dementi a: A revi ew

Authors: R. Anděl 1;  H. Vaňková 2
Authors place of work: University of So uth Florida, Tampa 1;  Gerontologické centrum, Praha 2
Published in the journal: Čes Ger Rev 2009; 7(2): 75-78


The purpose of this revi ew is to present factors that are relevant to risk of dementi a later in life. With longer life expectancy, the likeliho od of experi encing age‑related cognitive difficulti es has incre ased. Maintaining normal cognitive functi oning is necessary for successful performance of activiti es of daily living and independence in later life. Altho ugh dementi a is sometimes unavo idable, there seem to be ways in which pe ople can modify their risk of these o utcomes. We present several factors that offer such opportunity.

dementi a –  cognitive reserve –  genetics –  e arly life factors –  midlife factors –  physical exercise –  di et and nutriti on –  stress


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