The meaningfulness of life in the elderly

Authors: J. Ondrušová
Authors place of work: HTF A 1. LF UK V PRAZE
Published in the journal: Čes Ger Rev 2010; 8(1-2): 50-55


The meaningfulness of life in the elderly is very important salutogenic factor, it is one of the items of quality of life and its loss is in relation with depression. The goal of this article is to inform about the results of the research focused on the meaningfulness of life in old age. The aim of the research was to describe measure of the meaningfulness of life in the elderly, factors that are relevant to the meanigfulness of life in old age, and the connection with depression. The study sample consisted of 347 participants over 75 years of age from 13 localities in the Czech Republic, living in their own environment, in homes for seniors and nursing homes. These seniors were assesed under the Logo-test and besides that 264 of participants were also measured using the Geriatric Depression Scale-15. The results shown that in the sample of seniors over 75 years of age there is much more persons with highest level of perception of life as meaningful than in the population of younger adults. The danger of loss of purpose of life was diagnosed only in 13,3% seniors in this researched sample. It means that the oldest old perceive their life more meaningful than younger people. The measure of the meaningfulness in life in the elderly depends on environment of living, self-sufficient and previous profession of respondents. As the statistics shows, seniors threatened with loss of purpose in their life have bad family relations, few nice expie­rences and they are significantly more depressive.

Key words:
the meaningfulness of life in the elderly – depression in seniors - Logo-test – Geriatric Depression Scale-15


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Geriatrics General practitioner for adults
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