Analysis of Vaccination in Children Population against Tick-borne Encephalitis in the Slovak Republic from 1997 to 2009

Authors: V. Švihrová 1;  H. Hudečková 1;  J. Buchancová 1;  M. Avdičová 2
Authors place of work: Ústav verejného zdravotníctva, Jesseniova lekárska fakulta Univerzity Komenského, Martin vedúca doc. MUDr. H. Hudečková, PhD., MPH 1;  Regionálny úrad verejného zdravotníctva, Banská Bystrica vedúci MUDr. C. Klement, CSc. 2
Published in the journal: Čes-slov Pediat 2010; 65 (7-8): 445-451.
Category: Original Papers


Analysis of the vaccination frequency of children population against tick-borne encephalitis in the Slovak Republic for the period from 1997 to 2009.

The group of 114 annotated cases of diseases in children at the age of one to 15 years with the diagnosis of tick-borne encephalitis from a total of 886 annotated cases of the disease for the period of observation from 1997 to 2009, registered in the Epidemiology information system of the Slovak Republic and 92,362 vaccinated children at the age of one to 15 years, registered during annual administrative controls of children vaccination, executed by regional offices of public health. The processing was made by descriptive methods of statistical analysis (SPSS 11.0, Excel).

The sickness rate over the 13 years has been mildly increasing. In the period of observation 93,262 children at the age of one to 15 years were vaccinated. The percentage of vaccinated children has been increasing every year and in the period of 1st September 2008 to 31st August 2009 vaccination rate reached 2.01% of children population.

In the Slovak Republic, two vaccines have been available and reimbursed from the public health resources at the present time. According to present legislation, obligatory vaccination applies for workers of virology laboratories where tick-borne encephalitis virus is processed, while vaccination is covered by the employer. The reimbursement of the vaccine is partially covered by certain health insurance companies.

The virus of tick-borne encephalitis is transferred by some one to two per cent of ticks. In spite of this small number the importance of the disease is high considering its clinical seriousness. Active immunization provides possible protection. Preventive vaccination provides significant medical effect, positive economic consequences for the society and improves the quality of life of the population.

Key words:
tick-borne encephalitis, epidemiology, child age, vaccination


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