Bonding support after child birth

Authors: L. Mazúchová 1;  S. Kelčíková 1;  P. Vasilková 1;  J. Buchanec 2
Authors place of work: Ústav pôrodnej asistencie, Jesseniova lekárska fakulta UK, Martin, vedúca doc. Mgr. M. Bašková, PhD. 1;  Klinika detí a dorastu, Jesseniova lekárska fakulta UK a UNM, Martin, prednosta prof. MUDr. P. Bánovčin, CSc. 2
Published in the journal: Čes-slov Pediat 2016; 71 (4): 196-201.
Category: Original Papers


Bonding represents bio-comfort for mother as well as for child. The aim of this study was to find out the experience of women with bonding support after child birth, as well as to recognize if the presence of accompanying person during child birth has a impact on bonding support.

As an explorative method, we have used a questionnaire of its own construction. The questionnaire was focused on the detection of bonding support after child birth. 2001 Slovak women have participated in this study (age 30.0 ±5.34 years). In order to statistically process the data, we have used one-dimensional descriptive statistics and „Chi-quadrat“ test.

The direct skin to skin after child birth touch was not made possible for 55% respondents. 31.6% of women were enabled to lay their child skin to skin, however just for a short period of time, most frequently between 1 to 5 minutes (27.1%). This could be considered as only a partial bonding support. Bonding was supported only by 20.3% respondents. We have ascertained statistically significant influence of accompanying person during child birth (Chi2=47.340, p<0.000005) on bonding support after child birth.

The conclusion of our study refers to the inconvenient fact that support of bonding after childbirth has proved to be insufficient. Gained results could be contributive to requirements argumentation for opening a new attitude towards the norm and needs of mother and child in relation to all routine interventions of medical personnel. Bonding support after child birth means realization of physiological way of child care and fulfillment of biological, psychological and social needs of both mother and newborn.

Key words:
bonding, bonding support after child birth, immediate contact between mother and child, skin to skin touch


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Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescents
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