Contribution of Czech Doctors to the Recognition of the Etiology,Clinical Aspects and Epidemiology of Typhus Fever
Podiel českých lekárov na poznaní etiológie, klinikya epidemiológie škvrnitého týfu
Škvrnitý týfus bol smrtonosnou chorobou ľudstva. Objasnenie jeho vzniku a šírenia podmieňovalidobové viac-menej nevedecké prístupy. Až v druhej polovine 19. a začiatkom 20. storočia nastaloobdobie vedeckého prístupu k poznávaniu jeho etiológie, kliniky a epidemiológie. Na tomto majúveľký podiel českí lekári. Bol to prof. Hlava, ktorý sa zaradil sériou experimentov medzi prvých,ktorí vedecky skúmali etiológiu tejto choroby. Možno ho preto oprávnene zaradiť medzi spoluobja-viteľov pôvodcu škvrnitého týfu.
Klíčová slova:
škvrnitý týfus – českí lekári – prof. Hlava.
R. Pospíšil
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav epidemiológie, Lekárska fakulta Univerzity P. J. Šafárika, Košice
Published in:
Epidemiol. Mikrobiol. Imunol. , 1999, č. 4, s. 135-139
Typhus fever was a lethal disease of mankind. Elucidation of its origin and spread was due to moreor less unscientific approaches at the time. Only in the second half of the 19th and at the beginningof the 20th century the period of a scientific approach to knowledge of its etiology, clinical aspectsand epidemiology started. A great contribution was made in this respect by Czech doctors. The latterincluded Professor Hlava who made a series of experiments which were among the first whichinvestigated the etiology of this disease. He may be therefore quite rightly included among one ofthe discoverers of the origin of typhus fever.
Key words:
typhus fever – Czech doctors – Prof. Hlava.
Hygiene and epidemiology Medical virology Clinical microbiologyArticle was published in
Epidemiology, Microbiology, Immunology
1999 Issue 4
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