Diabetes mellitus and atrial fibrillation
Ján Murín
Authors‘ workplace:
I. interná klinika LF UK a UNB, Nemocnica Staré Mesto, Bratislava
Published in:
Forum Diab 2022; 11(2): 76-81
Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common chronic medical diseases and is also a risk factor for the development of atrial fibrillation (AF). The presence of diabetes in patients with AF is associated with increased symptom burden and increased cardiovascular and cerebrovascular mortality. The pathophysiology of diabetes – related AF is not fully understood, but is related to structural, electrical, electro-mechanical and autonomic remodeling. This article reviews the complex interaction between diabetes and AF, and also explores its effect on the prevention and treatment of AF.
atrial fibrillation – diabetes mellitus – pathophysiology of atrial fibrillation in diabetes – prevention/ treatment of atrial fibrillation in diabetes
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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicineArticle was published in
Forum Diabetologicum

2022 Issue 2
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