The selection from international journals
prof. MUDr. Milan Lukáš, CSc. 1; Muc Martin Kolář 1; MUDr. Vincent Zoundjiekpon 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinické a výzkumné centrum pro idiopatické střevní záněty, ISCARE I. V. F. a. s., Praha
1; Centrum péče o zažívací trakt, Vítkovická nemocnice, a. s., Ostrava
Published in:
Gastroent Hepatol 2015; 69(6): 579-582
Paediatric gastroenterology Gastroenterology and hepatology SurgeryArticle was published in
Gastroenterology and Hepatology
2015 Issue 6
- Metamizole at a Glance and in Practice – Effective Non-Opioid Analgesic for All Ages
- Metamizole vs. Tramadol in Postoperative Analgesia
- Current Insights into the Antispasmodic and Analgesic Effects of Metamizole on the Gastrointestinal Tract
- Metamizole in perioperative treatment in children under 14 years – results of a questionnaire survey from practice
- Possibilities of Using Metamizole in the Treatment of Acute Primary Headaches
Most read in this issue
- Ursodeoxycholic acid (Ursosan® capsules)
- Exclusive enteral nutrition – first-line therapy of Crohn’s disease in children
- The results of liver transplantation in Slovak children
- The importance of genetic testing in children with idiopathic chronic pancreatitis