Clinical and experimental gastroenterology

Authors: Tomáš Hucl
Published in: Gastroent Hepatol 2019; 73(4): 283
Category: Editorial


1. Míková I, Erhartová D, Dvořáková K et al. Vývoj inzulinové rezistence po transplantaci jater – prospektivní studie. Gastroent Hepatol 2019; 73 (4): 287–295. doi: 10.14735/amgh2019 287.

2. Douda L, Vokurková D, Douda T et al. Memory B lymphocytes in peripheral blood in coeliac disease – a pilot study. Gastroent Hepatol 2019; 73 (4): 296–302. doi: 10.14735/amgh2019296.

3. Tesaříková P, Kunovský L, Trna J et al. Cystic fibrosis and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Gastroent Hepatol 2019; 73 (4): 303–307. doi: 10.14735/amgh2019303.

4. Prokopič M, Ďuriček M, Bánovčin P et al. Význam pH-metrie s impedanciou u pacientov s nadmernou supragastrickou eruktáciou. Gastroent Hepatol 2019; 73 (4): 308–312. doi: 10.14735/amgh2019308.

5. Lipták P, Pavelková N, Harsányiová J et al. Vizualizácia aktivity nervov bolesti z organov tráviaceho traktu. Gastroent Hepatol 2019; 73 (4): 313–318. doi: 10.14735/amgh2019313.

Paediatric gastroenterology Gastroenterology and hepatology Surgery

Article was published in

Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Issue 4

2019 Issue 4
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