Obesity in children and kidney diseases
Marinov Z. 1; Marinová C. 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Dětská obezitologická ambulance FN Motol, Praha
1; Medasol s. r. o., Praha
Published in:
Gastroent Hepatol 2019; 73(6): 509-516
Chronic kidney disease and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease are global public health concerns. Diabetes, hypertension, and obesity are risk factors for and major contributors to these diseases. Common obesity is frequent in developed countries and is accompanied by chronic metabolic changes. Adipose tissue is the largest endocrine organ in the body, and expansion of this organ results in gradual but extensive cardiometabolic changes due to insulin resistance, proinflammatory status, and endothelial dysfunction, with irreversible central dysregulation of energy homeostasis. The renal and liver effects of common obesity may have their origins in childhood overweight.
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The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE „uniform requirements“ for biomedical papers.
Submitted: 2. 12. 2019
Accepted: 5. 12. 2019
children obesity – cardiometabolic risk – programming – non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
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