Expectations of medicine students from the physician’s role.

Očakávania poslucháčov LF od výkonu roly lekára

Spokojnost' lekára s výkonom profesie je základným predpokladom pre jej úspěšné vykonáváme. V dnešnej hektickej době prevláda zameranie transformácie zdravotnictva skór na organizačné a ekonomické problémy, satisfakcia lekára sa dostává do úzadia. Pre úspěch dnešných i budúcich spoločenských zmien je nevyhnutnosťou spoznať názory, postoje a očakávania studentov LF od roly lekára a výkonu povolania. V r. 2003 a 2004 sme vykonali dotazníkovú štúdiu medzi študentmi 5. a 6. ročníka LF UK Bratislava. Predkládáme zistenia spracované metodami deskriptívnej statistiky a analýzu problémov spojených s výkonom lekárskej profesie. Z výsledkov prieskumu vyplývá intenzívně vnímanie aktuálnych problémov profesie lekára, rizik burn out syndromu.

Kľúčové slova:
satisfakcia lekára, profesia lekára, stresujúce faktory, burn out syndrom.

Authors: J. Gajdošík 1;  D. Brukkerová 2;  A. Dukát 3
Authors place of work: Doc. MUDr. Ján Gajdošík PhD., ambulancia všeobecného lekára, Nové Zámky 1;  PhDr. Darina Brukkerová, Slovenská zdravotnická univerzita 2;  Doc. MUDr. Andrej Dukát CSc, Lekárska fakulta UK Bratislava 3
Published in the journal: Prakt. Lék. 2006; 86(5): 286-289
Category: Ethical Problems in Medicine


Doctor’s satisfaction with performance of his profession is a basic assumption for this profession successful execution itself. In current hectic period of time in the transformation of the health service prevails the orientation to organizational and economic problems and physician’s satisfaction is getting less important. For successful completing of nowadays and future changes it is necessary to know opinions, attitudes and expectations of medicine students, what do they expect from their roles as doctors of medicine and from performance of their profession. Results of the research mentioned above ensues the intensive reception of current problems in doctor’s profession and as well as the burn out syndrome risks. During the years of 2003 and 2004 we did a questionnaire study among the students of the 5th and 6th course at the Department of Medicine of Comenius University in Bratislava. The principle objective of this questionnaire was to find out the students’ opinion, attitudes and expectations from the job of medicine doctors and practicing of their professions. We are going to present results of the research which have been worked out by the methods of descriptive statistics as well as analysis of problems related to practicing a profession of medicine doctor (physician).

Key words:
Doctor’s (Physician’s) satisfaction, profession of a medicine doctor (physician), role of a medicine doctor (physician, stressing factors, burn out syndrome.

General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adults

Článok vyšiel v časopise

General Practitioner

Číslo 5

2006 Číslo 5
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