Auditory system and its disturbances
F. Koukolík
Authors‘ workplace:
Primář: MUDr. František Koukolík DrSc.
; Národní referenční laboratoř prionových chorob
; Fakultní Thomayerova nemocnice s poliklinikou, Praha
; Oddělení patologie a molekulární medicíny
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2008; 88(4): 204-207
Various Specialization
Functional neuroanatomy of the central auditory system is more complicated than the functional neuroanatomy of the visual system. Neuronal and mental representations of the acoustic information are formed by extraction of its statistical properties and by construction of acoustic objects. The mapping of the acoustic cortex discovered root, core, belt and parabelt zones and their projections to other cortical areas. The acoustic systems WHAT, WHERE and WHEN are shortly described. Central acoustic disorders are word deafness, acoustic agnosia and cortical deafness.
Key words:
acoustic system, functional neuroanatomy, word deafness, acoustic agnosia, cortical deafness.
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