Prenatal diagnostics and its success in the Czech Republic
V. Gregor; A. Šípek; J. Horáček
Authors‘ workplace:
Primář: MUDr. Vladimír Gregor
; Oddělení lékařské genetiky, Fakultní Thomayerova nemocnice, Praha
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2008; 88(4): 228-233
The paper deals with the development and the current status of prenatal diagnosis of birth defects in the Czech Republic. Prenatal diagnostics in the Czech Republic has undergone both quantitative and qualitative progress in recent years. The number of prenatally diagnosed birth defects has gone up, the spectrum of available prenatal diagnostic methods is changing and prenatal diagnostic efficiency is steadily increasing. Epidemiological and demographic analysis, to follow the quality of prenatal diagnosis services, provides a logical feedback to departments offering this kind of diagnostic health care and thus contributes to a health care quality improvement.
Key words:
birth defect, prenatal diagnostics, amniocentesis, chorion villi sampling, Down syndrome.
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3. Šípek, A., Gregor, V., Horáček, J., Chudobová, M. Downův syndrom v České republice, 1961 –1997. Čes. gynek. 64, 1999, 3, s. 173-179.
4. Šípek, A., Gregor, V., Horáček, J. , Chudobová, M. Down syndrome in the Czech Republic during 1961 – 1997: Incidences, prenatal diagnosis and maternal – age – specific rates. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 2001; 21(3), p. 266-269.
5. Šípek, A., Gregor, V., Mašátová, D. Výskyt vrozených vad a úspěšnost prenatální diagnostiky v ČR v roce 2000. Čes.-slov. pediat., 57, 2002, s. 243-251.
6. Šípek, A, Gregor, V., Horáček, J., Mašátová, D. Podíl prenatální diagnostiky na výskytu vrozených vad v České republice v roce 2004. Čes. gynek. 71, 2006, 5, s. 373-380.
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