Compression neuropathies as an occupational disease
E. Ehler; J. Latta
Authors‘ workplace:
Přednosta: doc. MUDr. Edvard Ehler, CSc.
; Neurologická klinika, PKN. a. s., Pardubice
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2008; 88(9): 515-520
Various Specialization
Damage of peripheral nerves caused by compression is one of the most frequent neurological occupational disorders. The compression mononeuropathies develop either due to an external pressure on the nerve against a hard surface, or by the compression of a nerve in preformed narrow passage – entrapment syndromes. From the ergonomic point of view – apart from a unilateral, excessive and long-lasting burden vibration, cold, muscle hypertonus and other physical factors participate in the development of compression neuropathies. Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most frequent mononeuropathy, followed by an ulnar nerve lesion in the elbow. An ulnar nerve lesion in wrist and hand is less frequent as are a radial nerve lesion in supinator canal and the external compression of the fibular nerve behind the fibular head. Other occupational mononeuropathies are very rare (e.g. radial nerve lesion in the arm, medial tarsal tunnel syndrome). It is possible to determine the anatomical conditions anticipating towards a nerve compression, type of burden and occupation, complaints, clinical finding and a diagnostic and therapeutic approach in the individual occupational mononeuropathies.
Key words:
mononeuropathies, compression, entrapment syndrome, occupational burden, electromyography.
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