The role of reduction mammaplasty in breast hypertrophy
L. Kment; R. Čáp; J. Měšťák; K. Urban; R. Kufa; J. Matějovská
Authors‘ workplace:
Přednosta: doc. MUDr. Jan Měšťák, CSc.
; Klinika plastické chirurgie FN Na Bulovce, Praha
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2009; 89(2): 76-78
Of different specialties
Breast size and weight are the “possible” cause of a number of clinical disorders, particularly in women with breast hypertrophy. These include neurological, orthopaedic, aesthetic, dermatological and other problems. In this paper the authors describe several disorders connected with breast hypertrophy and their improvement after reduction mammaplasty. A random sample of 182 patients were monitored before and after surgery (selected from a total of 410 patients that were treated) in order to evaluate the influence surgery has on diminishing problems described prior to surgery. Since 94.2 % of the patients confirmed a reduction in problems, we can conclude that where indicated for health, breast reduction surgery is fully justified.
Key words:
breast hypertrophy, surgical treatment, health problems.
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General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
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