Actinic prurigo
L. Malina
Authors‘ workplace:
Mediscan Group, Praha
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2009; 89(4): 196-198
Of different specialties
Actinic (solar) prurigo is mostly likely an idiopathic disease, which should be principally differentiated from a similar pruriginous form of chronic polymorphous photodermatosis. The diversity of both the diseases is based not only on the dissimilarity of clinical symptoms and/or on the reaction to UV-radiation, but particularly on the different characteristic results of their HLA-phenotype immunoassay. Drugs used as standard for the treatment of serious forms of photodermatoses have no proven significant favourable effects for the present. Only high-risk systemic administration of the immunosupressive thalidomide seems to be successful in these disease-cases.
Key words:
photodermatoses, actinic prurigo, HLA-typization, MHC class II gene DRB, action spectra UVA, UVB, photoantigenes, immunology of photodermatoses, thalidomide.
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