The etiology and new clinical-etiology-anatomy-pathophysiology (CEAP) classification of extremitovascular ischemic disease

Authors: P. Gavornik;  A. Dukát;  Gašpar Ľ. Lietava J;  S. Oravec;  A. Uhrinová;  M. Kováčová;  T. Pišková;  K. Letková;  O. Somorovská
Authors place of work: Vedúci lekár: doc. MUDr. Peter Gavorník, PhD., mim. prof. ;  Prednosta: prof. MUDr. Andrej Dukát, CSc., FESC ;  Prvé angiologické pracovisko (PAP) ;  II. interná klinika LFUK a FNsP, Bratislava, Slovenská republika
Published in the journal: Prakt. Lék. 2010; 90(6): 333-341
Category: Reviews


The article describes diseases that decimate the arterial vascular system of the aorta and arteries of the lower and upper extremities. The etiology and new clinical-aetiology-anatomy-pathophysiology (CEAP) classification of extremitovascular ischemic disease („peripheral arterial disease“) are discussed.

Key words:
extremitovascular ischemic disease, peripheral arterial disease (PAD), etiology, CEAP (Clinical-Etiology-Anatomy-Pathophysiology) classification


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