Classification of techniques to cope with craving
K. Nešpor; O. Matanelli; G. Pekárková; P. Gregor
Authors‘ workplace:
Oddělení léčby závislostí – muži, Psychiatrická léčebna Bohnice, Praha, Ředitel: MUDr. Martin Hollý
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2011; 91(12): 703-706
Craving is a typical symptom of addictive diseases. There are several important features of craving:
- It is usually caused by identifiable stimuli (triggers).
- It is accompanied by the subjective and objective symptoms of stress.
- It has a powerful motivating effect and worsens the self-control of addictive behavior.
- Craving is associated with the temporary impairment of cognitive functions and poor decision-making.
Key words:
craving, addictive diseases, therapy.
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