Basics of social cognitive and affective neuroscience.
IV. Psychopathy
F. Koukolík
Authors‘ workplace:
Oddělení patologie a molekulární medicíny, Fakultní Thomayerova nemocnice s poliklinikou, Praha
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2011; 91(4): 183-188
The concept of psychopathy has a long tradition. The contemporary four-factor model describes psychopathy in
- interpersonal,
- affective,
- lifestyle, and
- antisocial variables.
The structural and functional neuronal basis of psychopathy has not been fully elucidated. There are two pathophysiological theories of psychopathy: somatic marker hypothesis and violence inhibition mechanism theory. Psychopathy is associated with dysfunction of the prefrontal-temporal-limbic system circuit.
Key words:
psychopathy, four-factor model, prefrontal-temporal-limbic circuit.
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Basics of social cognitive and affective neuroscience.
IV. Psychopathy - Experience of general practitioners with the Medical Assessment Service