Resilience of family with handicapped child
L. Sikorová; Z. Birteková
Authors‘ workplace:
Vedoucí: doc. PhDr. Darja Jarošová, PhD.
; Děkan: doc. MUDr. Arnošt Martínek, CSc.
; Ústav ošetřovatelství a porodní asistence LF OU
; Lékařská fakulta Ostravské univerzity v Ostravě, Ostrava
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2011; 91(8): 477-481
Of different specialties
The paper presents results of an investigation, whose aim was to assess the resilience of families with handicapped child based on the concept of Hardiness. The partial objective of the investigation was to determine differences in resilience depending on
- the functionality of the family,
- family composition,
- type of handicap of the child and
- to determine the use of compensatory mechanisms in stressful situations in a family.
The t-test was used to determine the relationship between family characteristics and assessed questionnaire items. Comparison of multiple variables was performed by using analysis of variance - ANOVA.
The results revealed moderate to high resilience of families with handicapped children. The investigation also revealed that families are predominantly functional. The survey confirmed that families with handicapped child use compensatory mechanisms for coping. It is primarily about communication within the family, family planning, joint leisure time, active and positive approach to problem solving and communication with the external environment. An essential step for coping in a family with a handicapped child is to enable the family to live a sensual and full life, without any restriction. The cooperation of involved professionals and families is essential, so that between them a mutual trust is created, especially between the family, the child’s GP and the youth and child nurse.
Key words:
family, handicap, child, resilience of family.
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General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner

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