Violence in health care
J. Pekara
Authors‘ workplace:
Rektorka: doc. PhDr. Jitka Němcová, Ph. D.
; Vysoká škola zdravotnická o. p. s. v Praze
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2013; 93(6): 264-268
Of different specialties
Violence in the health care profession has become a global problem. We can currently speak about a phenomenon of violence that significantly reduces the quality and efficiency of health care. This article contains the results of previous discussions of violence in health care, especially in non-psychiatric patients. The main causes of violent situations are communication errors ensuing from uncontrolled negative emotions. Such errors may occur not only on the patients’ side but also on the side of health care professionals. Even though the position of the patient is that of a client, medical health care members are not machines and may happen to show their own emotions too. Effective management of emotions should be part of every health care professional’s repertoire because the de-escalation of emotions and calming down the patient may often not only resolve conflicts but prevent them.
violence – negative emotions – health staff – communication
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General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner

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