WikiLectures: On-line educational materials for studies and clinical practice
A. Šípek jr.; M. Vejražka 1; Č. Štuka 2; S. Štípek 3 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav biologie a lékařské genetiky 1. LF UK a VFN, PrahaPřednostka: doc. MUDr. Milada Kohoutová, CSc.
1; Ústav lékařské biochemie a laboratorní diagnostiky, 1. LF UK a VFN, PrahaPřednosta: prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA
2; Oddělení výpočetní techniky, 1. LF UK, PrahaVedoucí oddělení: RNDr. Čestmír Štuka, Ph. D., MBA
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2013; 93(6): 257-259
Of different specialties
Modern information technologies are an integral part of our everyday life and also medical profession now. Internet is a rich source of information for medical doctors: online versions of selected journals or current versions of guidelines of various medical associations. WikiLectures were originally created as an online database of educational materials for medical students. Nowadays, they also find more and more users among young medical doctors in training and other healthcare professionals. Compared to similar projects, WikiLectures emphasise on the credibility of texts. It is possible thanks to feedback of readers, support of the editorial board and, at the highest level, supervision by university teachers.
e-learning – educational materials – medicine
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3. Hughes B, Joshi I, Lemonde H, Wareham J. Junior physician‘s use of Web 2.0 for information seeking and medical education: a qualitative study. Int J Med Inform 2009; 78(10): 645–655.
4. Sandars J, Schroter S. Web 2.0 technologies for undergraduate and postgraduate medical education: an online survey. Postgrad Med J 2007; 83(986): 759–762.
5. Šípek A. jr. WikiSkripta – Věčná skripta pro mediky. Gate2Biotech, 2009 [online]. Dostupné na:
6. Štuka Č, Vejražka M, Kajzar P, Štípek S. Wiki projekty v českém medicínském vzdělávání. ProInflow [online]. 14. 11. 2011 [cit. 07.05.2013]. Dostupný z:
7. Štuka Č, Vejražka M, Štípek S. WikiSkripta v kontextu ostatních e-learningových forem. MefanetIN 2010; 2: 4–7.
8. Wikipedie [online]. Dostupné z [cit. 07.05.2013].
General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner

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