Health services research as scientific discipline in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
M. Dlouhý
Authors‘ workplace:
Děkan: doc. RNDr. Luboš Marek, CSc. Katedra ekonometrie
; Vedoucí: prof. Ing. Josef Jablonský, CSc.
; Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze Fakulta informatiky a statistiky
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2015; 95(3): 123-126
Of different specialties
Health services research is defined a multidisciplinary scientific field that examines how people get access to health care services, how much care costs, and what happens to patients as a result of this care. In the Czech Republic, personal and institutional capacities needed for development of health services research as scientific discipline are missing. There is no original textbook on health services research in Czech or Slovak languages at the disposal. In the current situation, some development of the field is possible as a part of other disciplines, such as social medicine, public health or health policy. The field can benefit from cooperation with Slovak researchers that are in the same situation.
health services research – social medicine – public health – health technology assessment
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