Knee joint problems in floorball goalkeepers
J. Rataj 1; M. Janura 1,2; Z. Svoboda 2; Z. Krhutová 1; M. Elfmark 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě
Lékařská fakulta
Ústav rehabilitace
Vedoucí ústavu: doc. MUDr. Dalibor Pastucha, Ph. D., MBA
1; Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
Fakulta tělesné kultury
Katedra přírodních věd v kinantropologii
Vedoucí katedry: prof. RNDr. Miroslav Janura, Dr.
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2016; 96(2): 77-81
Of different specialties
The role of floorball goalkeepers within the team is distinct not only due to their specific game activity and equipment, but also by the long time they spend in the kneeling characteristic for the floorball goalkeeper. The aim of our study was to assess the basic information about problems with the knee joint in floorball goalkeepers and to evaluate the influence of external factors on these problems. Basic information related to game activities, knee joint loading and possible knee problems was obtained using an internet-based survey. A total of 117 goalkeepers from the Czech Republic (86 male, 31 female, aged 20.1 ± 5.55 years) participated in this study. In the goalkeepers participating in the survey, 67.5% reported problems with knee joints, 40.5% of those sought a doctor’s care. Only 38% of goalkeepers with knee joints problems underwent rehabilitation (mostly electrotherapy). Prevalence of knee joint problems was significantly higher (p < 0.001) in goalkeepers who replaced their kneepads only after having been completely worn out (56.4%). The main risk factors for occurrence of problems with the knee joint in floorball goalkeepers were the long time spent in the kneeling position and using worn-out kneepads. We did not find any difference in prevalence of knee problems between young and experienced goalkeepers.
knee joint – pain – load – sport
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