Differentiations in the quality of life perception in seniors
A. Hudáková; A. Eliašová; D. Magurová; Ľ. Majerníková; A. Obročníková
Authors‘ workplace:
Vedúca: PhDr. Dagmar Magurová, PhD.
; Fakulta zdravotníckych odborov
; Katedra ošetrovateľstva
; Prešovská univerzita v Prešove
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2017; 97(4): 168-173
Of different specialties
The aim of this work was to find out what is the perception of quality of life in geriatric patients in the selected locality and compare it with other countries. We conducted the study at a specific institution in Norway.
To determine the components of the research, we used the quality of life questionnaire OPQOL-35. For the data analysis the Friedman test for multiple dependent selections and the Spearman correlation coefficient were used. Seniors were currently hospitalized at the Geriatric Department at the Akershus University Hospital in Oslo.
By analyzing the data obtained, we have identified relations between selected items whose difference is statistically significant (p < 0.05). We have found that the highest quality of life has the highest satisfaction with life (M = 3.75). The statistically significant correlation relationship is between the items of the relationship of health and movement and the sufficiency of physical energy for everyday life. The meaning of one's own life is more and more fulfilling the perception of the overall quality of life of the people surveyed. Through research findings, we have identified satisfaction with life, the potential of energy for everyday life in relation to the quality of life.
The quality of life of hospitalized patients is an important indicator of care in terms of nursing, social work and its domains have different priorities in selected countries. In Slovakia, in the context of long-term care, the transfer of care for seniors to the community sphere is a priority.
quality of life – satisfaction with life – senior-meaning of life – long-term care
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