Relationship between patients’ falls and selected risk factors
I. Brabcová; H. Hajduchová; V. Tóthová; S. Bártlová
Authors‘ workplace:
Ředitelka: doc. PhDr. Sylva Bártlová, Ph. D.
; Ústav ošetřovatelství, porodní asistence a neodkladné péče
; Děkanka: prof. PhDr. Valérie Tóthová, Ph. D.
; Zdravotně sociální fakulta
; Rektor: doc. Tomáš Machula, Ph. D., Th. D.
; Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2017; 97(4): 163-167
Of different specialties
The aim of research was to verify connection between chosen risk factors for fall incidents of hospitalised patients and also circumstances of these incidents.
Research was conducted using quantitative method using retrospective analysis of fall incidents of hospitalised patients in four South Bohemian hospitals (Nemocnice České Budějovice, Nemocnice Tábor, Nemocnice Jindřichův Hradec and Nemocnice Písek). Research subjects were patients who had an incident of falling during 2014 and 2015 that was later reported. 1101 cases of falling incidents were analysed.
In 54% of falling incident reports for hospitalised patients earlier falling incident was reported in the patient case history. With patient age falling incidents appeared increasingly with statistical significance, the risk of falling increased, as did the severity of injuries caused by the fall. The retrospective analysis showed that patients with risk of falling in their case file were disoriented or confused, nurses significantly more often raised the sidebars of their beds. In 20% of the incidents the unraised bar was stated as the cause of the falling incident, On the other hand, in 36.5% of falling incident reports the reason of the fall were the bars raised along the whole length of the bed.
When planning preventive interventions leading to decrease of the risk of falling incidents nursing personnel should consider the effectiveness of raising the bars on both sides of the bed along its whole length. A suitable alternative seems instead lowering the height of the bed, raising only bar on one bedside, or only the upper one. Another possibility is the so-called intelligent beds equipped by warning sensors for movement
health status – cardiovascular risk, Czech population, EHES 2014
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