Podiatry, the problem of ingrown nail and its solution – Arkady method
J. Lux 1,2; J. Šichnárek 1; E. Mrázková 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Ostravská Univerzita v Ostravě, Lékařská fakulta
; Ústav epidemiologie a ochrany veřejného zdraví, Vedoucí: doc. MUDr. Rastislav Maďar, PhD., MBA, FRCPS
1; Podiatrické centrum Medicia, Ostrava, Vedoucí: MUDr. Jaroslav Lux
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2019; 99(5): 197-200
The health of the feet is important for overall physical and emotional well-being. Podiatry focuses on the prevention, diagnosis and the treatment of disorders of the foot and ankle to return health and subjective well-beeing to the patient. The first professional organization of podiatry was founded in 1895 in New York. The Czech Podiatrics Association (CPA) was founded in 2001 and it was established by transformation of the original organization – the Association of Chiropodists of the Czech Republic. An important part of podiatry is the cooperation between podiatrics and orthopedists, surgeons, physiotherapists, neurologists, dermatologists and the other specialists. Foot and leg problems are causes of health problems, pain and disability. They can lead to balance disorders and increase the risk of falls. The most common foot problems are: flat feet, swollen big toe, heel spur, diabetic foot, ingrown toenail, foot and toes defects and injuries. The ingrown toenail is a civilization problem which most frequently occur in males aged 15–40 years. There are conservative and invasive solutions to this problem depending on the stage of disability.
podiatry – Czech Podiatrics Association – ingrown toenail
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General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner

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