Initial experience with the Czech version of the Sydney Swallow Questionnaire
P. Mandysová 1,2; P. Šolínová 1,3
Authors‘ workplace:
Fakulta zdravotnických studií, Univerzita Pardubice
1; Neurologická klinika, Pardubická nemocnice, Nemocnice Pardubického kraje, a. s., Pardubice
2; Všeobecné oddělení neurologie, Fakultní nemocnice Hradec Králové
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2020; 100(Supplementum): 27-32
Introduction: Dysphagia is a common problem in patients with neurological conditions. Adequate questionnaires in Czech for self-report of swallowing difficulties are lacking.
Aim: The aim was to translate into Czech and test the Sydney Swallow Questionnaire (SSQ) and to examine the effect of age, cognitive state, and gender on SSQ scores.
Method: Back translation was used to develop the preliminary Czech version, which was utilized in a pre-test that involved neurological patients with diagnosed dysphagia. Specifically, patients were asked to complete the 17-item SSQ (maximum possible score 1700) and were observed for difficulties during its use. Furthermore, the Mini-Cog test was used to assess cognitive status. The relationship between age, cognitive status, and gender on the one hand and the SSQ scores on the other was examined using graphs and the biserial (rPB) and Spearman (ρ) correlation coefficient.
Results: Forty-seven patients (61.7% men; average age 71.3) met the inclusion criteria and were administered the SSQ; however, five patients did not complete all items. Total SSQ scores for the remaining 42 patients ranged from 53–1163 points. The graphs and the correlation coefficient values did not show any significant relationship between SSQ scores and the studied factors. Some patients found that the phrase “average meal” was unclear; almost 40% of the patients needed > 10 minutes to complete the SSQ.
Conclusion: Despite the observed difficulties with using the SSQ, the obtained scores appeared to be unaffected by cognitive test results, gender, and age. Nonetheless, further testing of the SSQ is recommended.
dysphagia – neurological condition – swallowing condition – Sydney Swallow Questionnaire.
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