Nurses‘ Role in Prescribing Medication
J. Heczková 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav teorie a praxe ošetřovatelství, 1. lékařská fakulta, Univerzita Karlova, Praha
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2020; 100(Supplementum): 17-21
Introduction: The use of pharmaceutical products in health-care is very complex and specific.
It is ensured by a variety of healthcare professionals including nurses. Although the area is covered by variety of rules having different levels of authority, certain activities and nurses’ competencies are not clearly defined. At the same time, it is known that nurses in some areas participate in activities that do not belong to their competence.
Aim: The aim of this work was to analyse the role of nurses related to prescribing at intensive care.
Method: Purposeful sample of 26 fully qualified nurses with at least 1-year experience
at intensive care participated in the qualitative study. In-depth individual interviews were conducted and analysed.
Results: Practice related to prescribing at intensive care was very diverse. Requirements of real practice on nurses’ role exceeded expectation resulting from traditional concepts and formal competencies. Role of nurses related to prescribing was rather extensive including contribution to decision making, administering medication based on incomplete or missing physician’s order.
Conclusion: The mismatch between the demands of real practice and the formally established rules can have considerable negative consequences. A fundamental revision of the current legal framework, including nurses' competencies, together with requirements on nurses’ education in this area, has to be considered necessary.
Prescribing – ordering medication – intensive care – nursing care – indication
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