Quality of Life of Patients after Polytrauma in Relation to the Injury Severity Score
P. Segarová 1,2,3; J. Slaný 3; L. Pleva 1,2; L. Pavliska 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika úrazové chirurgie Fakultní nemocnice Ostrava
1; Ústav medicíny katastrof Lékařské fakulty Ostravské univerzity v Ostravě
2; Fakulta zdravotnictví a sociální práce, Trnavská univerzita v Trnave, Slovensko
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2020; 100(Supplementum): 38-43
Introduction: The aim of the presented work was to measure the quality of life of patients after polytrauma, which is associated with significant permanent consequences for the patient. Introduction of new treatment techniques results in a high percentage of these patients surviving this type of injury. Permanent consequences may cause problems for the injured, especially in social interaction with their environment.
Aim: To determine the subjective of quality of life and to determine whether the quality of life is associated with the ISS score (Injury Severity Score), whether the subjective quality of life and satisfaction with medical condition are associated in any way with the period of time which has elapsed from the serious injury, and what are the prerequisites for successful reintegration of these patients onto the labour market.
Method: The authors performed a literature review using the PubMed online database, hospital information system, and statistical evaluation of questionnaires from the responders. The group of responders consisted of patients treated at our department. In order to perform the measurements, the authors used the WHOQOL-BREF (WHO, 2008) questionnaire, and compared the obtained results with the population standard of subjective quality of life reported by Dragomirecká et al. (2006).
Results: A total of 49 questionnaires were statistically evaluated; the responders evaluated their quality of life to be higher than the interval of population standard in three domains. The domain of Social Relations was evaluated as very bad in all responders. Also the responses to questions concerning the quality of life and satisfaction with medical condition were below the average value of the population standard. The quality of life was not related to the ISS score of the trauma in any way. The period, which has elapsed from the injury, influences the subjective quality of life of the individual, and the satisfaction with medical condition.
Conclusion:The subjective quality of life of patients after polytrauma certainly is in the foreground of attention of social work, especially due to the permanent consequences, limiting the patient’s abilities to find application at the labour market. The broad distribution of data in our dataset and various measurement techniques presented in the literature lead the authors to the conclusion that more conclusive means of measurement will include qualitative techniques, working together with the patient, ever since the injury, over the treatment period, physiotherapy, up to social reintegration.
polytrauma – Injury Severity Score – subjective quality of life.
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