V. Joint statement of professional societies on pharmacological treatment of obesity Obesity has become a worldwide
D. Müllerová 1,2; M. Haluzík 3
; P. Sucharda 4; J. Boženský 5; M. Fried 6
; P. Holéczy 7; M. Kunešová 8; I. Málková 9; Š. Slabá 10; P. Šrámková 6; R. Taxová Braunerová 8; V. Hainer 8
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav hygieny a preventivní medicíny, Lékařská fakulta v Plzni, Univerzita Karlova, Vedoucí: prof. MUDr. Dana Müllerová, Ph. D.
1; Obezitologická ambulance I. interní kliniky, FN Plzeň, Přednosta: prof. MUDr. Martin Matějovič, Ph. D.
2; Centrum diabetologie, Institut experimentální a klinické medicíny, Praha, Přednosta: prof. MUDr. František Saudek, DrSc.
3; 3. interní klinika 1. lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy a VFN, Praha, Přednosta: prof. MUDr. Michal Kršek, CSc.
4; Dětské oddělení, nemocnice AGEL Ostrava-Vítkovice, a. s., Primář: MUDr. Jan Boženský
5; OB KLINIKA, a. s., Praha, Přednosta: prof. MUDr. Martin Fried, CSc.
6; Chirurgické oddělení, Nemocnice AGEL Ostrava-Vítkovice, a. s., Primář: MUDr. Miloslav Mazur, Ph. D., MBA
7; Endokrinologický ústav, Centrum pro diagnostiku a léčbu obezity, Praha, Ředitelka: doc. RNDr. Běla Bendlová, CSc.
8; STOB, Praha
9; Gynekologicko-porodnická klinika 1. lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy a VFN, Praha, Přednosta: prof. MUDr. Alois Martan, DrSc.
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2021; 101(1): 32-47
Of different specialties
Obesity has become a worldwide pandemic in the last thirty years. Its treatment is primarily based on the life-style changes that, however, often fail in the long-term run. For the next decade, major perspectives in the successful obesity treatment include, in addition to bariatric surgery, a long-term treatment with anti-obesity drugs, in particular the ones that in addition to weight reduction also directly affect obesity-related pathologies. This paper summarizes current possibilities of obesity pharmacotherapy including its indication, proper selection of patients and side effects of anti-obesity drugs. It also reviews the studies describing long-term efficacy and safety of anti-obesity drugs. Despite the availability of efficacious and safe anti-obesity drugs, these therapies are not even partially covered by health insurance. The costs of anti-obesity drugs are for the majority of patients with obesity unacceptably high. The actual unavailability of anti-obesity drugs for patients with obesity has significant health-economic consequences. Limited use of these medications that have evidence-based data supporting their efficacy, contributes to high prevalence of obesity-related pathologies with subsequent low treatment efficacy and high treatment costs. We believe that at least partial reimbursement of anti-obesity drugs from general health insurance, in patients with verified compliance and under clearly defined conditions, is a necessary step to improve this situation which could lead to clearly economically effective results.
obesity – pharmacotherapy – obesity complications – type 2 diabetes – reimbursement of anti-obesity drugs
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