Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator in a young patient

Authors: J. Hajzler
Authors‘ workplace: Interní oddělení ;  Primář: MUDr. Ivo Horný ;  Nemocnice Strakonice, a. s.
Published in: Prakt. Lék. 2021; 101(4): 213-215
Category: Case Report


A case of a young patient implanted with ICD for ventricular fibrillation, which saved her life several years later in the recurrence of a malignant arrhythmia, is described. This is an interesting case where an ICD was implanted in the very young patient as a part of the secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death. ICD implantation is very risk in patients at such a young age because of infectious or other complications. On the other hand, as described in our case report, this risk is a balanced saving of patient’s lives. She is now cardiopulmonary compensated, undergoing cardiological examinations and she wants family. For last five years since implantation, patient detects one ICDs discharge.


ventricular fibrillation – ICD – sudden cardiac death


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General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adults
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