Home-based care for patients with dementia in the context of burden on non-expert/non-professional caregivers

Authors: PhDr. Ph.D. Iveta Ondriová;  PhDr. Ph.D. Terézia Fertaľová
Authors place of work: Prešovská univerzita v Prešove, Fakulta zdravotníckych odborov, Katedra ošetrovateľstva
Published in the journal: Geriatrie a Gerontologie 2014, 3, č. 1: 40-43
Category: Original Article/Study


Dementia includes a group of diseases, which result in the decline of cognitive functions, especially memory, thinking, orientation, comprehension, reasoning, learning skills, numeracy, language and judgment. According to the level of disability, the patient depends to various degrees on his or her caregiver(s), who is usually the patient relative. The goal of our research was to map the level of nursing burden on families providing care for a sick relative with dementia. The investigation was carried out using non-standardized questionnaire for the local non-professional caregiver respondents (numbering 60) in the Presov region, which was supplemented by standardized questionnaires – Instrumental daily activities test - IADL, Activities in daily living ADL, Test of nursing burden according to Svanborg. The results of the research indicate the noticeable impact of the burden of caring for a dementia patient on the caregiver and on their psychological aspects.

Key words:
Dementia – patient – caring for a sick relative – family – rate of burden – caregiver burden


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Geriatrics and Gerontology

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