Specifics of tuberculosis at the elderly in these days

Authors: H. Matějovská Kubešová;  K. Bielaková;  J. Matějovský
Published in: Geriatrie a Gerontologie 2016, 5, č. 4: 202-208
Category: Review Article


Authors give the review of development and current situation with tuberculosis in the Czech Republic. The recorded cases are classified into respiratory tract tuberculosis – more than 80% – and other localizations. Attention is devoted to tuberculosis prevalence in homeless and immigrant populations – the absolute number is stable, but the overall incidence decreases. The same situation can be seen as for tuberculosis and non-tuberculosis mycobacteria – the current rate is 4 to 1. More than 80 % of cases are diagnosed passively, as a results of the patient’s difficulties, which is a surprising fact. Active screening discovered less than 10 % of the recorded cases. Because of risk factor accumulation there is significantly higher tuberculosis incidence in population aged over 75. This review is illustrated by two case reports and the influence of concomitant diseases and possible drug interactions is stressed.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis – non-tuberculosis mycobacteria – risk factors of tuberculosis infection – drug interactions of antituberculotics – concomitant diseases


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