Diabetes and dementia – what is known about their relationship?
K. Štechová
Published in:
Geriatrie a Gerontologie 2016, 5, č. 4: 190-195
Review Article
Prevalence of both diseases is increasing. Diabetes as well as dementia are not homogenous disorders. The main characteristic feature of all diabetes types is hyperglycaemia. Progressive cognitive impairment is typical for all forms of dementia. A patient suffering from type 2 diabetes has higher risk of developing dementia in comparison with a person of similar age and sex who has normal glucose tolerance. Is there any relationship? In this article insulin function in brain, consequences of central insulin resistance for our cognitive abilities as well as for psyche and other possible molecular link between impaired glucose homeostasis and dementia are described. The situation in two most prevalent forms of diabetes is compared. Connection between diabetes and dementia certainly exists but has not been fully uncovered yet. One common important feature of diabetes and dementia seems to be insulin resistance. Higher dementia occurrence in diabetic patients can be the result of diabetes related vascular changes and the episodes of serious hypoglycaemia events as well. Both diseases have a serious negative impact on a patient as well as on entire society so their connection analysis is a very important research topic nowadays.
diabetes – dementia – insulin – insulin resistance – hyperglycaemia – hypoglycaemia – glycaemic variability – signalling cascade
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Geriatrics and Gerontology

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