Senior citizens in traffic – a topic to concern ourselves with?

Authors: Z. Šnajdrová
Published in the journal: Geriatrie a Gerontologie 2017, 6, č. 3: 130-134
Category: Case Reports


The quality of life of older persons is connected with the possibility to stay mobile and therefore also with being able to drive a car. Czech law requires the older drivers to pass regular medical checks by general practitioners and physicians of all specialisations are obliged to report any contraindications of driving to the relevant transport authority. However, the decisions do not always have to be black or white. So-called “harmonised codes” might be helpful. I have chosen two cases from the practice of a geriatric outpatient clinic. The first case is a man who drives his car from his holiday house to buy newspapers, bread or to visit a local post office and therefore he uses a set of harmonised codes. The second case was a driver with middle stage of a dementia who was not self-sufficient at keeping himself clean and taking the medication but refused to give his driving licence back. To what extent should the geriatricians take part in assessment of medical fitness for driving? How could or should we as gerontologists educate the elderly persons and other public?

elderly person in transport – mobility – medical fitness – driving of a motor vehicle – driving licence – harmonised codes – safety – cognitive disorder – dementia – geriatric ambulance – driving psychological examination – training of drivers


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Geriatrics General practitioner for adults Orthopaedic prosthetics

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Geriatrics and Gerontology

Číslo 3

2017 Číslo 3
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