Memory disorders as a possible component of paraneoplastic neurological syndrome – immunologically determined dementias
J. Reban; Z. Vrajová; E. Bůrková; L. Zajícová
Published in:
Geriatrie a Gerontologie 2017, 6, č. 3: 113-116
Review Article
In the late 1980's, considerable attention has been paid to the immune processes affecting cerebral structures and consequently even the function of these areas. Processes were not triggered by the direct growth of the tumour, or metastases, but by antibodies attacking the tumour, but at the same time these antibodies attack neural structures antigenically identical. Antibodies produced by the patient were defined as onconeural and the relevant syndromes as paraneoplastic neurological syndromes (PNS). These neurological syndromes typically present before the diagnosis of cancer. The result of these processes might affect also brain structures responsible for cognitive functions and behaviour. Diagnostic procedures are proposed. These immunologically mediated dementias might be also treated accordingly.
cognitive impairment – onconeural antibodies – paraneoplastic antibodies – checkpoints inhibitors – immunotherapy of Alzheimer’s disease
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Geriatrics and Gerontology

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