Ageing of old community (seniorization) and geriatrization of medicine.
P. Weber
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika interní, geriatrie a praktického lékařství LF MU a FN Brno
Published in:
Geriatrie a Gerontologie 2018, 7, č. 4: 152-155
Review Article
In the elderly population, a functional decline is common, more diseases add up gradually towards genuine multimorbidity and there is a growing number of social problems (loneliness, a loss of partners etc.) which can emphasize old age frailty and inability to live independently without other people´s assistance. Geriatric medicine is aimed at optimization of residual functions despite general functional decline connected with ageing and multimorbidity. Modern civilization substantially supports hopes of achieving late old age and the life expectancy grows constantly. Numbers of old and very old people grow absolutely and relatively as well which is a trend that requires an appropriate approach of not only medicine but also the whole of society in forthcoming decades.
geriatrization of medicine – geriatric syndromes – demografic situation and prognosis in the Czech Republic – Brno Geriatric Day
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