Do doctors educate seniors sufficiently about influenceable risk factors for cardiovascular diseases?
H. Michálková; L. Šedová; V. Olišarová; R. Prokešová
Authors‘ workplace:
Zdravotně sociální fakulta, České Budějovice
; Geriatrická klinika 1. LF UK a VFN Praha
; Ústav ošetřovatelství, porodní asistence a neodkladné péče, Jihočeská univerzita
Published in:
Geriatrie a Gerontologie 2018, 7, č. 4: 147-151
An extensive research project was focused on preventive interventions in cardiology. The goal of this paper is to present partial data from extensive surveys which were focused on cardiac prevention from the seniors’ point of view. Quantitative research was used to perform the surveys. The study sample was composed of 1992 respondents and it is representative for the various groups of Czech citizens over the age of 40. The questionnaire focused on the patients’ knowledge about influenceable risk factors. This paper is focused on evaluating the educational influence, motivation and influence of the physician on the lifestyle of the respondent. If we want to improve preventive activities and lower the incidence of cardiovascular diseases or lower the risk of complications, suitable education is necessary. Medical staff, doctors and nurses as well should be at the forefront of such efforts and to pass proper information to the patients.
preventive cardiology – education efforts
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Geriatrics General practitioner for adults Orthopaedic prostheticsArticle was published in
Geriatrics and Gerontology
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