Implementation of palliative care at geriatric patients with hearth failure
Petr Coufal
Authors‘ workplace:
Kardiologické oddělení, Interní klinika, Nemocnice Pardubického kraje, a. s.
Published in:
Geriatrie a Gerontologie 2021, 10, č. 2: 62-67
Original Article
Heart failure, whether acute or chronic, is the most common clinical syndrome in cardiology, affecting not only quality but also life expectancy. The progressive development of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in cardiology enables the treatment of the most serious conditions, on the other hand, the individual approach to the patient, his wishes and needs is disappearing. These shortcomings of “modern cardiology” make it possible to eliminate the early integration of palliative care into conventional cardiac treatment, and its importance grows especially in the final stages of human life and extends beyond its scope and supports entire families, including future survivors.
This article contains recommended tools for finding suitable palliative care responders and summarizes the reasons for introducing palliative care in the PKN cardiology department based on real data from 2019, whose retrospective analysis describes the demographic profile of patients, length of hospitalization, number of rehospitalizations until death and offers simple mortality. analysis, including analysis of the number of deaths in individual units (acute bed vs. intensive bed) as a potential site for consular palliative intervention. Considerable efforts have also been made to identify respondents to conciliatory palliative care, to improve the prognosis of this incurable disease and to refine the selection of patients benefiting from home hospice care.
changes in age – palliative care in cardiology – palliative care respondents identification – palliative care integration – palliative care consulta-tion team – hospice care – Quality of care
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Geriatrics General practitioner for adults Orthopaedic prostheticsArticle was published in
Geriatrics and Gerontology

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