Endoscopic diagnostics and therapy of pancreatobiliary diseases in persons after gastric resection according to Billroth I.
Bohuslav Kianička 1; Lumír Kunovský 2,3; Martin Blaho 4; Vladimír Kojecký 5; Alena Ondrejková 1; Hana Nechutová 1; Miroslav Souček 1; Filip Šustr 1; Markéta Musilová 1; Jan Novák 1; Petr Piskač 6; Petr Dítě 7
Authors‘ workplace:
II. interní klinika LF MU a FN U sv. Anny v Brně
1; Interní gastroenterologická klinika LF MU a FN Brno, pracoviště Bohunice
2; Chirurgická klinika LF MU a FN Brno, pracoviště Bohunuce
3; Gastroenterologické oddělení Interní kliniky LF OU a FN Ostrava
4; Interní klinika Krajské nemocnice T. Bati, a. s., Zlín
5; I. chirurgická klinika LF MU a FN u sv. Anny v Brně
6; Akademické centrum gastroenterologie, Interní klinika LF OU a FN Ostrava
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2020; 66(6): 43-45
Original Contributions
The stomach resection according to Billroth I (B I) is very rarely done. The aim of this retrospective study is to evaluate our experience with diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in patients after stomach resection according to Billroth I. In patients with a condition after stomach resection according to B I, a study of the group of 20 years (November 1994 – December 2014) took place. Three patients were evaluated retrospectively after B I stomach resection with biliary obstruction. For the ERCP was used the Olympus therapeutic videotheroscop in all cases with the standard (as in normal anatomical situation). Cannulation success in diagnostic ERCP was achieved in 3 out of 3 patients – 100% success rate of ERC diagnosis. For all these 3 patients CDL was found in the ERCP. In addition, endoscopic treatment was performed immediately after ERCP diagnosis in all 3 patients with a CDL pathologic ERCP diagnosis, the initial endoscopic papillotomy (EPT) performed in the standard procedure (as in normal anatomy). Subsequently, endoscopic extraction of all CDL from hepatocholedocus to duodenum was performed. Overall the ERCP was completely successful in all 3 of the 3 (100% of 3) patients who initially started endoscopic therapy. There were no complications in our group of 3 patients. For ERCP in patients with BI stomach resection, we had 100% success rate of diagnostic and therapeutic ERCP in all of these patients (3 CDL patients).
endoscopic diagnostics – endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography – endoscopic treatment – stomach resection according to Billroth I.
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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicineArticle was published in
Internal Medicine

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