Bone disesase in end-stage kidney disease – renal and non-renal components
Sylvie Dusilová Sulková 1; Anita Pokorná 1; Roman Šafránek 1; Ladislava Pavlíková 2; Vladimír Palička 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Hemodialyzační středisko FN Hradec Králové a katedra interních oborů, Lékařská fakulta UK v Hradci Králové
1; Ústav klinické biochemie a diagnostiky, FN Hradec Králové
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2021; 67(5): 258-263
Main Topic
Metabolic bone disease in chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal failure represents one of the most severe clinical complication in kidney patients, namely those on maintenance dialysis. Traditionally, bone changes are induced by secondary hyperparathyroidism. The CKD-MBD concept reflects the link between bone and cardiovascular disease in these patients. Studies documented also other bone pathological pathways in renal patients, such as osteoporosis, as in kidney and dialysis patients its risk factors are present as well as in general population. Resulting bone disease in renal disease and failure is far more complex than previously seen. However, the secondary hyperparathyroidism still represents the main pathological pathway.
Parathyroid hormone – dialysis – secondary hyperparathyroidism – chronic kidney disease – FGF-23 – hyperphosphatemia – renal bone disease – osteoporosis in kidney disease
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Internal Medicine

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