Psychomotor Speed and Speed of Searching in Semantic Memory

Authors: M. Kopeček 1,2,3;  H. Štěpánková 1
Authors‘ workplace: Psychiatrické centrum Praha 1;  Klinika psychiatrie a lékařské psychologie 3. LF UK a FNKV, Praha 2;  Center for Excellence for Research & Treatment Bipolar Disorder, Department of Psychiatry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, USA 3
Published in: Čas. Lék. čes. 2008; 147: 44-48
Category: Original Article


The aim of the study was to assess relations among psychomotor speed, speed of searching from semantic memory and aging using simple bedside tests.

Methods and Results.
We included 95 healthy volunteers with mean age 45.8 ± 17 years (min. 20, max. 80 years) to this study. We measured time in the short version of semantic fluency test (recite 12 animals) and in 2 tests of psychomotor tempo. We detected significant slowing in all tests (ANOVA, p < 0.001) during aging.

Slowing of psychomotor speed and searching in semantic memory were detected during physiological aging. Further research is necessary to clarify, if these fast and easy tests will be useful in screening for dementia in clinical practice.

Key words:
psychomotor speed, semantic fluency, information-processing, neuropsychology, aging.


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Journal of Czech Physicians

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