Principles of dealing with human DNA and genotyping information

Authors: Jiří Drábek 1;  Radim Brdička 2
Authors‘ workplace: Ústav molekulární a translační medicíny, Lékařská fakulta Univerzity Palackého, Olomouc Československá společnost pro forenzní genetiku, Olomouc 1;  Oddělení molekulární genetiky ÚHKT, Praha Společnost lékařské genetiky ČLS JEP, Praha 2
Published in: Čas. Lék. čes. 2012; 151: 507-513
Category: Topic


Subject of human DNA analysis is so far unsatisfactorily dealt within the Czech legislature. Unfortunately, it is not that easy to set up transparent and unambiguous rules comprehensively covering the whole subject. In this paper, basic principles of dealing with DNA are covered using the process view (sampling, DNA extraction, genotyping, archiving, and data mining), thus unifying medicinal, individualizing, genealogical, explorative, and phenotyping points of view. DNA law should consist of requirements for procedural steps of handling DNA and its analysis, for persons (both natural and legal), and for laboratories testing DNA. At the same time, processes to control the law-abiding and risk minimizing should be set up. The well prepared DNA law would allow to fulfil a potential of DNA analysis: to help substantially the healthcare, the judiciary, and other users of genotyping results. In the best scenario, quality of genotyping results and public confidence in genetic testing will be raised, risk of misuse minimized, human rights well balanced, market purged, and genotyping service rationalized. We believe that it is a worthwhile task.

Key words:
genotyping information, confidence in genetic testing, human rights, DNA law.


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