Liver elastography

Authors: Ondřej Bednář;  Karel Dvořák
Authors‘ workplace: Oddělení gastroenterologie a hepatologie, Krajská nemocnice Liberec, a. s.
Published in: Čas. Lék. čes. 2022; 161: 61-64
Category: Review Article


Liver elastography is a completely non-invasive method for examination of a stiffness of a liver parenchyma. It has been used worldwide and plays an essential role in detection and assessment of severity of liver fibrosis. Ultrasound based elastography methods – transient elastography (TE) and shear wave elastography (SWE) are the most widely used methods in clinical practice. Quick bedside examination, high reproducibility of results, availability and repeatability in time are among the benefits which led to a significant decrease in number of liver biopsies performed in last years. Elastography methods are also capable to evaluate presence of portal hypertension and risk of related complications in patients with liver cirrhosis noninvasively. Liver elastography represents an established diagnostic tool that has changed clinical practice in hepatology.


elastography – Cirrhosis – portal hypertension – fibrosis – liver stiffness


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