The Balkan Wars in prof. Přecechtěl’s memories

Authors: Ivan Kalivoda
Authors‘ workplace: Oddělení otorinolaryngologie a chirurgie hlavy a krku, Nemocnice AGEL Nový Jičín, a. s.
Published in: Čas. Lék. čes. 2023; 162: 221-226
Category: History of Medicine


Professor Přecechtěl’s memories of the Balkan Wars of 1912–1913 have various facets and encompass different impressions and phases of these events. They trace the preparations in Prague and the journey to Montenegro, the ancient city of Cetinje among the poor and primitive people, experiences in the Albanian environment plagued by diseases, and the war experienced in Bulgaria. Czech doctors enthusiastically aided their Slavic brethren in the Balkans, who fought for liberation and rights. Initially, they were received coolly and with reservation as the local population had no experience with Czech doctors. However, over time, the medical expeditions proved their worth. Albania presented many obstacles, including a shortage of medicines and suitable food. The army suffered from droughts and exhaustion, leading to high mortality rates and infections. Medical activities were carried out under difficult conditions, lacking hygiene and basic supplies. Despite all the difficulties, the doctors strove to provide help, and their work was invaluable. Memories of the Balkan War are filled with stories of scarcity, challenges, human suffering, and determination to aid and solidarity.


history – medicine – Antonín Přecechtěl – Balkan wars – memories

  1. Hall RC. The Balkan Wars 1912–1913: Prelude to the First World War. Routledge, 2002.
  2. Kalivoda I, Komínek P, Chrobok V. Historie ORL – 100 let. Tobiáš, Havlíčkův Brod, 2021.
  3. Kalivoda I. Před 50 lety zemřel akademik Antonín Přecechtěl. Otorinolaryngologie a foniatrie 2021; 70: 247–253.
  4. Přecechtěl A. Vzpomínky na Balkánské války 1912–1913. Dr. Ed. Grégr a syn, Praha, 1936.
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