Closed Femoral Fracture Complicated by Blunt Injury and Posttraumatic Occlusion of the Superficial Femoral Artery – A Case Review
J. Mihály 1; P. Kováč 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Oddelenie úrazovej chirurgie, FN Prešov, Slovenská republika, prim. MUDr. J. Bujňák
1; Oddelenie cievnej chirurgie, FN Prešov, Slovenská republika, prim. MUDr. J. Vaško
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2008, roč. 87, č. 9, s. 477-479.
Monothematic special - Original
The diagnosis and the treatment of an unusual posttraumatic occlusion of a femoral superficial artery during skeletal traction has been described. Angiography of the arteries of lower extremities was done because a sharp pain, cold, parestesia of the foot and absent pulsies had been found. The occlusion of the right femoral superficial artery was seen in the place of the compression of the artery by a fragment of femur. The fracture of the femur was stabilized with Ender’s rods immediately and the injured part of the artery was resected and replaced by a venous graft. The healing was without any complication. The symptoms, the diagnostic procedures and the therapy of the occlusion of the arteries caused by fractures of the extremities has been discussed.
Key words:
occlusion of the arteries caused by fractures – fracture of the shaft of a femur – occlusion of a femoral superficial artery – complications of skeletal traction – a patient presentation
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