Cystic Neoplasms of the Pancreas
J. Leffler; T. Krejčí
Authors‘ workplace:
Chirurgická klinika UK II. LF a FN v Motole
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2008, roč. 87, č. 9, s. 456-458.
Monothematic special - Original
Neoplastic changes represent an important part of cystic deposits in pancreas. It is morphologically non-homogenous group of neoplasms with different occurrence depending on sex and age, different localization and different biologic properties.
The aim of the paper is to remind current knowledge of this topic and confront it with our own experience.
Material and methods:
Together 13 patients with histologically proved cystic neoplasm of pancreas underwent surgery during the period of ten years from 1997 to 2007. They represent 6% of all patients operated for pancreatic tumor (213 patients). Women (9 patients) represented more than two thirds of all operated patients and deposits were more often localized in the head of pancreas (8).
The most frequent operation was partial duodenopancreatectomy (7) and most frequently cystadenocarcinoma was identified histologically (5times). Median survival of these patients is 54 months. Left sided resection, done in 5 cases, identified benign tumor in all patients; no recurrence was found in 2 years follow-up.
Cystic neoplasms localized in the pancreatic head are more frequent in men than in women and predominantly malignant, on the contrary localization in the tail of pancreas is particularly in younger women linked with benign tumor. Prognosis after resection is markedly better in malignant processes even in comparison with ductal carcinoma.
Key words:
pancreas – cystic neoplasm – biologic properties– prognosis
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